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Covered Entity

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Stanford Affiliated Covered Entity

HIPAA allows covered entities under common ownership or control to join together to form a “single affiliated covered entity” for purposes of compliance with HIPAA. As a health care provider, Stanford has formed what we call the Stanford Affiliated Covered Entity or SACE. The SACE includes Stanford Health Care; Stanford Medicine Partners; Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford; Packard Children’s Health Alliance; Stanford Health Care - Tri-Valley and Stanford University HIPAA Components.

Stanford Affiliated Covered Entity
  • Stanford University HIPAA Components (SUHC)
  • Stanford Health Care (SHC)
  • Stanford Medicine Partners (SMP)
  • Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford (LPCH)
  • Packard Children's Health Alliance (PCHA)
  • Stanford Health Care - Tri-Valley

Stanford University HIPAA Components

HIPAA applies to organizations that meet the definition of a covered entity. Stanford University is considered a hybrid entity, as some components of Stanford University meet the definition of a covered entity under HIPAA and many others do not. The areas of the University designated as covered by HIPAA are referred to as Stanford University HIPAA Components (SUHC), and are listed below:




Office of Development

Development Operations & Services

Development Information Services

Stanford Medical Center Development

Senior Associate Vice President for Development

Environmental Health & Safety

Occupational Health Center

IT support for the Occupational Health Center

Office of General Counsel


University IT


Office of the Chief Risk Officer


School of Medicine

All, except for the Program in Population-Based Cardiovascular Mobile Health and MyProstate: UCLA/Stanford Mobile Prostate Health Study, Pandemic Monitoring Program, CovApp and PoxApp Program and Pause A Moment Program.

Office of the Vice Provost & Dean of Research

Vice Provost & Dean of Research

Associate Vice Provost for Research

All members & staff for the Administrative Panels on Human Subjects Medical Research ("IRBs")

All other individuals responsible for and involved with investigation of scientific misconduct allegations or the IRBs

Vaden Health 


Covered Benefits Plans

HIPAA also applies to benefits plans. As an employer Stanford University has many benefits plans. Each of the following plans is considered to be a separate covered entity under HIPAA:

  • Educated Choices
  • Post-Retirement, Post-Employment
  • Post-Doctoral